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IndyCar Driver Makes Remarkable 190 MPH Save

Driving an IndyCar around a superspeedway isn’t the easy task many critics think it is. Just ask James Hinchcliffe.

At Pocono Raceway over the weekend, Hinchcliffe came just inches from smashing into the concrete barrier at about 190 mph (305 km/h), pulling off a save that has to be seen to be believed.

Entering a left turn (oh wait, they’re all left turns…), Hinchcliffe attempted to overtake a couple of his competitors by going the long way around and up into the slippery part of the track. Bad move.

As he approached the exit of the corner, the rear wheels of Hinchcliffe’s IndyCar broke loose, forcing him to aggressively apply 180-degree of opposite lock to keep the racer under control.

A split second after this initial save, the rear lose traction once again but in a show of cat-like reflexes, Hinchcliffe was able to prevent the car careening into the barriers.




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