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Driver Loses Control And Violently Slams Into Pole In Sydney

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Even though this was a horrific accident, the car striking the pole was always going to be preferable over skidding into another vehicle or perhaps even pedestrians.

According to the video's description, the accident took place on Tuesday in the Liverpool area of Sydney, Australia, as a red P-Plater (provisional driver's license) lost control of his vehicle while apparently speeding.

"My driver got out and offered assistance, driver was in real bad shape, he wanted to get out but was told to wait for rescue as it could make his injuries worse," said somebody who was on location.

From a distance, it seems we're looking at a older model car, which could explain the extent of the damage. At the same time, we know from official tests that a side-pole impact is always brutal, regardless of the type of car you drive.

The impact occurred on the driver's side, but just beyond the driver's door, towards the C-pillar. If the point of impact would have been more towards the front of the car, the driver could have been injured even more severely, or worse.


