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Automakers Move To Attract 9 Million Female Drivers From Saudi Arabia

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    It’s not every day that a company’s potential customer base increases by 9 million in a single day. However, that’s exactly what has happened following Saudi Arabia’s announcement that women will be permitted to drive from June 2018.

    Immediately following this announcement, numerous car manufacturers raced to social media to throw their support behind the decision while also attempting to persuade some of the nation’s 9 million females old enough to get behind the wheel from next year.

    Ford was one of the first to make its presence known, posting an image reading ‘Welcome to the driver’s seat’ that depicted a woman’s eyes in a car’s rear-view mirror. It followed this up by announcing it will give Sahar Nassif, an outspoken female rights activist in Saudi Arabia, a Ford Mustang.

    Bloomberg reports that a host of other companies jumped on board. For example, Land Rover posted a GIF showing a car key joining many of the items women often store in their handbags. Volkswagen soon published an image depicting two female hands grasping an invisible steering wheel with a description reading ‘It’s your turn, take over the driver’s seat.’

    Other carmakers attempting to court the interest of females from Saudi Arabia included Toyota, Nissan, and Lexus.

    It is widely believed that the motivating factor behind King Salman bin Absulaziz’s decision to lift the driving ban was to diversify the country’s economy and reduce its reliance on oil.

