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BMW Defies Trump On Climate Change, Vows To Keep Combating Global Warming

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Even though President Donald Trump has withdrawn the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, BMW will still be looking to do their part in reducing greenhouse gases and continuing to fight global warming.

The Bavarian automaker's U.S division released the following statement just days after German auto industry lobby group VDA went on record saying that Europe needs to revisit its environmental standards.

One of the issues that needs their attention is the fact that electricity and energy prices are already higher in Germany than in the U.S., which in turn puts the EU member at a disadvantage.

Following the announcement made by the United States, German Chancellor Angela Merkel also stated that there will be no turning back from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

BMW Group official statement:

"The BMW Group has a long-standing and unwavering commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This applies to our production operations as well as to continuous improvements in fuel economy and the reduction of emissions from our vehicles. Protecting the environment and economic prosperity must go hand-in-hand in the future.

As a business player, the BMW Group has over many years engaged in the international business and policy dialogue leading up to the Paris Agreement. The BMW Group welcomed the conclusion of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Despite challenges and disappointments, there is no doubt, combating global warming requires the collaboration of all players at a global level – national, regional as well as government and private sector.

As in the past, the BMW Group will continue to work at an international level - including with US stakeholders - to facilitate the reduction of greenhouse gases and address global warming.

The BMW Group commitment to sustainability, to our customers and to the markets we serve around the world will not change."


