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Cyclist Gets Into It With Red Mitsubishi Driver In Brazil

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When they say that red is the color of passion, sometimes they forget that people can also be passionate in a lot of negative ways.

Take the driver of this Mitsubishi ASX for example. Regardless of how the cyclist may or may not have acted, putting someone's life in danger is never justifiable.

In the comments section, you'll see people also blaming the cyclist for his impatient behavior prior to the incident, however, the driver of the car could have simply acted in a more civilized way. Ramming your car into people, even at crawling speed, is unacceptable.

So, in the words of the cyclist, here's what happened: "I was coming back from a delivery and as I passed the bike lane, the driver of the red car invaded the lane pushing me into the corner. I went through it without even bumping into his car. I complained in sequence and he knocked on my back. I got off the bike and he kept moving forward with the car on me and on the bike."

He goes on to say that he remained on the hood of the car until he was sure it was safe to get off, and that following all that, they all went to the police station.


