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Is This The World's Worst Failed Parking Attempt?

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We know you've seen bad drivers before, but this lady might have just taken the cake by continuously crashing her car every which way she could point it.

There are plenty of people out there who aren't very good at parking. You generally see them taking forever to squeeze their car into a spot where there's usually plenty of room for it to fit.

What you thankfully don't see every day are cases in which drivers can't seem to figure out which pedal makes you go forwards or backwards, and which pedal helps you stop.

On this particular occasion, this video titled "worst driver on the planet" is an example of what you might call a perfect storm of unfortunate events.

The woman behind the wheel of the white sedan struggles to park, only to then pop the trunk and take off backwards towards a parked vehicle. After that, all hell breaks loose - good thing a bystander steps in to help.


