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This Remote Controlled Mini Really Takes The Cake

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Remote control cars are nothing new but a remote control cake? That's something we can sink our teeth into.

Created by specially cake marker Peboryon, this miniaturized version of 'fast food' is designed to resemble a Mini Cooper.

Details are limited but the cake apparently rides on a slim remote control platform which contains all the batteries, electronics, and wheels to make the vehicake drive. The platform is then topped off with a small tray which holds the custom-made cake.

The end result is pretty impressive as the cake faithfully recreates the appearance of the Cooper, while the ability to drive it definitely ups the cool factor. Of course, we wouldn't suggest driving it on dirty floors or around pets. Regardless, Peboryon says it "handles beautifully, reverses nicely, and tastes delicious."

There's no word on how much the cake cost, but the UK-based bakery offers an assortment of different treats including everything from traditional celebration cakes that start at £120 ($158) to "large cake sculptures" which are priced from £1,100 ($1,452). This cake probably slots somewhere in between but, regardless of price, it'll make for one unique birthday experience.

H/T to Motor1


