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Mayor From South Carolina Pulled Over In His Lawnmower

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The mayor of a tiny town in South Carolina was pulled over by police for driving his lawnmower on the streets last month.

On August 25, police officers switched on their lights after spotting the mayor of Aynor on his lawnmower. When they pulled him over, it was discovered that John Gardner also had a beer sitting in the cupholder.

Gardner was ultimately told to pour of his beer before the officers said they would call the Town of Aynor to handle the rather bizarre situation.

In an interview with the Myrtle Beach Online late last week, Gardner said he wasn’t cited and thought he was pulled over because his lawnmower had no lights. He also contended that his beer was not open.

“It was unopened to the best of my knowledge. I remember opening it to pour it out.”

Gardner was elected mayor of the small town with a population of just 763 in 2016 and is up for re-election this year.

It remains to be seen if his supporters will be accepting of his nonchalance towards driving laws.


