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Perhaps Driving On A Broken Rear Axle Isn't Such A Good Idea

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Whatever happened to this car prior to it being caught on camera, it was certainly worthy of pulling over and calling a tow truck.

Then again, there are plenty of stubborn drivers out there who might be tempted to carry on, despite the heavy damage sustained by their car. Of course, stubborn is just one word we could use, another being irresponsible.

Even if this looks a bit silly at first (the people in the VW were cracking up), the second that rear axle hit a bump in the road, the rear end spun and, well, the rest is history.

The accident occurred in Krasnodar, Russia, and we can think of at least one BMW owner who probably didn't have his or her best day when all of this happened.

In the end, nobody appears to have been harmed, and thankfully, the driver of the white X1 wasn't getting in or out of the car when the sedan came crashing in.


