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Vandal Gets Hit By Karma In The Form Of A Car

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Even though property damage isn't as serious as somebody getting hit by a car, the man vandalizing this store suffered only minor injuries after karma had its say as he was fleeing the scene.

While we're happy he wasn't seriously hurt, we're also glad to see that he didn't get away with what he did. According to the description of the video, this wasn't the first time he vandalized this particular store.

"The man in the video has broken the window of our shop twice. The first time was 2 weeks ago on September 9, 2017 and this week on Thursday he did it again." The accident occurred in the city of Lubliniec, which is in the south of Poland.

Another man can be seen calling the police after an altercation with the perpetrator, in which he was grabbed by the collar and then let go so that the vandal could finish breaking the entire window.

As for the accident, it happened just seconds after the vandal started to run away, crossing the street without looking to see if there were any cars coming from his right.

Warning: Some readers might find the footage of the accident disturbing


