Groupe PSA has returned to the United States with the launch of its Free2Move mobility app.
Currently available in Settle, the Free2Move app allows users to compare the location, characteristics, and operating costs of various transportation options including offerings from Car2Go and Zipcar. Within the next two months, the app will be updated to include several bike sharing services such as Lime Bike, Ofo Bike, and Spin Bike.
The Free2Move app already has 400,000 customers in Europe and Groupe PSA Senior Vice President of Mobility, Brigitte Courtehoux, says the service will be expanded to additional U.S. cities in the future.
According to Groupe PSA North American President and CEO Larry Dominique, “The decision to launch a service that helps people move around in the most efficient way underscores our commitment to the future of Groupe PSA." He added, “As mobility services evolve and innovate based on the way people think about and consume mobility, bringing Free2Move stateside provides us with a unique way to address consumer demands, as well as a flexible platform to roll out future products.”
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