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Truck Driver Falls Asleep, Hits Another Semi And Rolls Over

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This horrific accident took place in St. Augustine, Florida where two semis collided after one of the drivers fell asleep at the wheel.

As you can see, the result of that collision was quite dramatic, with one truck getting sideswiped and forced off the road, and the other... well, the footage definitely speaks louder than words.

"I was driving southbound on I-95 near St. Augustine when the driver of another tractor-trailer hauling approximately 60,000 lbs of sand fell asleep at the wheel and merged into me running me off the road and causing him to jackknife and roll his truck in front of mine," said the driver of the dashcam truck.

"The driver of the other truck broke both his legs and had a lot of cuts and bruises but survived. The fire department had to extricate him from his truck. I was transported to the hospital as well and had to have 2 discs replaced in my neck as a result. The other driver was also arrested for driving on a revoked CDL as I understand it."

All we can say is that those are some pretty serious injuries, and while thankfully the incident didn't have any fatalities, it just goes to show how dangerous it is to get behind the wheel of a vehicle without being well-rested.


