The second season of The Grand Tour will arrive on Amazon Prime shortly and the hosts recently sat down with British GQ to discuss the show.
When asked about the upcoming season, Jeremy Clarkson said looking back at the first season they noticed a handful of things that they wouldn't do again. In particular, he said there are "one or two little things" that they'll probably rethink for season two. Richard Hammond went on to say they had to try new things but some aspects of the show won't necessarily carryover.
When asked how it feels to be cultural icons, Clarkson responded by saying he still asks himself "How on earth did I end up here?" May rejected the idea but later admitted he's surprised how often people recognize him. This is especially true when they visited a remote roadside hut in Syria and the person there said "Welcome to my country, Mr Slowly."
Of course, fame has it downsides as the hosts aren't keen at having people stare at them and interrupting them when they're out in public.
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