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Zlatan Ibrahimović Drives His LaFerrari In Stockholm

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When you earn about $10 million a year, you can afford to enjoy the finer things in life. Case in point, football legend Zlatan Ibrahimović.

A couple of days ago, the hugely popular sportsman was filmed driving through the heart of Stockholm, Sweden in his bright yellow Ferrari LaFerrari, turning heads wherever he went.

Ibrahimović ultimately reversed his LaFerrari into the parking garage of his inner-city apartment building, just managing to squeeze through the narrow wooden doors and returning the Italian hypercar to hibernation.

At the height of his career, Ibrahimović was earning 18.2 million pounds ($24.37 million) a year to play for Manchester United. However, he recently took a pay cut and now walks home with ‘just’ 6.5 million pounds ($8.7 million) in annual salary.


