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Angry Motorist Gets Pulled Over By Police, Grab Your Popcorn

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It seems that getting into a heated argument with the Police is much easier in certain parts of the world than others.

This incident took place in the UK, where the driver of a red coupe was pulled over for "intimidating other motorists", in other words, honking at the car in front while driving too close to it.

The driver gets really angry upon hearing that the officer wants to prosecute him for careless driving and misuse of the horn. He gets out of his car and starts "pleading his case" in a way that could have easily escalated into a physical confrontation.

Once tempers get heated, they start arguing about every little thing that one side could use against the other, either in court or simply for an arrest - which indicates that neither side has a strong enough case.

Unfortunately, we weren't shown the footage of what the man did prior to getting pulled over, so we'll just take the officer's word for it.

After watching this confrontation, we'll remind you of the fact that most officers do not carry firearms in the UK, which is a pretty hot topic. Then again, the last thing you'd want to see in this type of scenario is an officer pulling his gun out just to stop an argument.


