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This Courteous DIY Car Horn Could Be The Greatest Anti Road-Rage Feature

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If every car gave the option of multiple horns to the driver, the roads would be a nicer place.

When it comes to DIY projects, the horn on your car is probably the last thing that comes to mind, unless of course you’re a huge nerd or have decided to improve your communication skills with other drivers on the road.

Popular YouTuber Mark Rober decided to give his VW Jetta more ways to communicate with other road users, which meant adding a new horn setup with three additional soundtracks.

Two of these new soundtracks are much friendlier-sounding than the VW’s stock horn, allowing Mark to use them in everyday situations without annoying other drivers.

And since he started fiddling with the horn, he took the liberty of installing the mother of all horns, the same type that’s being used in trains and trucks, you know, for those special occasions.

What do you think? Should we get more horn options on our cars or is it a step too far?


