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When Turning Left Takes A Very Unfortunate Turnover

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While most accidents we see occur because of driver error, sometimes a crash might simply happen because the conditions were "just right".

After watching the clip several times, it doesn't seem that the driver did anything wrong, really.

The markings on the road indicate that you could make a left turn from either the left or the middle lane, so just because the driver was a little impatient doesn't mean much. What we should factor in though is the fact we're dealing with a learner driver.

A lack of experience would certainly explain their inability to control the car once it started losing grip on that wet surface.  Seeing the car end up in a ditch and roll over on its side is harsh - this usually happens to people who are going too fast or aren't paying attention to their surroundings.

Hopefully, the driver and any/all occupants were OK and walked away realizing that being extra careful in wet conditions is a must.


