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Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera Spontaneously Combusts In Seattle

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Supercars and fire, they seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly but unlike their culinary equivalent, are far less satisfying.

A few days ago, a Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Superleggera was the latest victim of this cruel combination as it burst into flames shortly after pulling off a freeway onto the city streets of Seattle.

A nestcam from a nearby building captured the whole scene and it starts out innocently enough. The Gallardo comes to a halt in the left lane, probably because the occupants noticed some smoke from behind the cabin.

The passenger can be seen getting out and trying to douse the flames with a water bottle. It proves ineffective and just a minute later, a bystander hands the driver a fire extinguisher. Despite a valiant second attempt to quell the blaze, it continues to burn, leaving the driver and passenger with nothing to do but watch the supercar burn as they wait for fire crews.

Authorities arrive on scene about five minutes later but by then, the Italian exotic has been gutted by the blaze.


