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Immature Driving Stunt Predictably Ends In A Crash

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It's not every day you see two guys strapped to the hood of a car driving around a parking garage, thankfully.

This accident took place earlier this month in Lipetsk, Russia, and what you see is what you get. It's all extremely straight forward in how irresponsible and ridiculous it is.

We won't go as far as to say that the stunt is what led directly to the accident, but all the ingredients were there, sprinkled on along the way. It doesn't even seem like the car carrying the two lads had its headlights on, which is all sorts of dangerous.

Then there's the driver of the dashcam vehicle, who must have not seen the "Flying Graysons" approaching, otherwise we can't imagine why they wouldn't have stopped in time to avoid the impact.

In the end, both bonnet surfers got up quickly following the shunt, so we're hopeful they've escaped with little to no injuries.


