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Cops Need Your Help Identifying Jeep Driver Who Smashed Into Arrow Board

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Police in Massachusetts are on the hunt for a man that was filmed crashing into an arrow board in Route 73 Tunnel.

Cameras inside the tunnel failed to capture the exact moment the Jeep Wrangler slammed into the arrow board but they do show the arrow board tumbling down the road and the Wrangler screeching to a halt after the impact.

Inevitably, local authorities aren’t thrilled about the man damaging property and then leaving the scene. However, that’s not the only reason they’re seeking his identity.

During the clip, the man can be seen throwing a small black bag to the side of the tunnel, before jumping back in the Jeep and making a run for it.

Police have yet to disclose what was in the bag but are asking for anyone who witnessed the crash, or who recognizes the Jeep or driver, to come forward.


