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Rogue Toyota Celica Causes Highway Pileup After Hitting SUV

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No matter how many times we keep watching this video, we can't shake the feeling that absolutely everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong.

Not only did the driver of that blue Toyota Celica fail at avoiding the car in front (you can see that he tried by steering left), he ultimately ended up crashing into a stationary vehicle as well.

After the silver RAV4 got hit from behind, it immediately rolled over on its side and slid across two lanes of traffic, causing a pileup as trailing vehicles slammed into it and into each other. A sort of a "perfect storm" if you will.

The incident occurred two weeks ago on the M5 motorway in Sydney, Australia, with a total of seven vehicles involved. According to the Daily Mail, two people, a 60-year old and a 24-year old man were taken to a local hospital with minor injuries.

If you scroll through the video's comments section, you'll see a lot of people shifting some blame to the driver of the semi truck for essentially tailgating the car in front and not maintaining a safer distance. While that may be worth debating, the police confirmed that nobody was responsible for how the incident began, except for the driver of the Toyota Celica.


