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Driver Nearly Hits Pedestrian, Crashes Head-On Into Another Car

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The worst part about running a red light, either on purpose or due to inattention, is that you might end up hitting pedestrians before you even get close to any incoming traffic.

This accident occurred in the city of Taganrog, in South-West Russia, and saw a woman nearly get run over on the crosswalk. What's equally shocking is the fact that she seemed completely calm after the car flew past, continuing her walk as if nothing happened.

While the pedestrian reached the other side of the road safely, the driver at fault didn't, losing control of his or her car, and slamming head-on into another vehicle.

The impact didn't occur at a very high speed, but was probably violent enough to shake up all the passengers by the looks of it. Hopefully everybody made it out without any injuries.

As for why the driver of the green car lost control in the first place, it looks as though he or she might have overreacted a bit and yanked that steering wheel a little too hard trying to keep the car moving straight.


