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Flame On: Speeding Pickup Truck Explodes In Thailand

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In what looks like and certainly is a horrible accident, we're relieved to inform you that nobody was fatally injured.

The crash occurred in the Samut Prakan province of Thailand, and saw a pickup truck burst into flames after hitting another car. According to the description of the video, it all happened because it had an overflowing gas tank.

As for the reason why the truck was out of control in the first place, your guess is as good as ours. What we do know though is that whenever a car does a Human Torch/Johnny Storm impersonation, it's downright terrifying.

This is the type of accident that could have easily ended in tragedy, especially since we're talking about a populated area. Losing control of a car in such a place, whether it's on fire or not, can be extremely dangerous for any pedestrians.

Also, the overflowing gas tank issue is a major one. It could have happened because of a gas pump problem, although that's often easily resolved and doesn't result in a VFX-like explosion.


