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Kia Sorento Explodes After BBQ Grill Is Left On And Ignited By A Cigarette

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Grilling is a summer tradition but some people don't realize the explosive potential of propane tanks.

One Florida couple found that out the hard way as an explosion has totaled their Kia Sorento and left them with several burns.

As WESH and WFTV report, the couple was attending a barbecue at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. When it came time to leave, they packed up their grille but forgot to turn off the burner and the propane tank supplying it.

This is a recipe for disaster as the flammable gas soon began filling the crossover's interior. As the couple was leaving the fairgrounds, the wife lit a cigarette and sparked an explosion.

The couple sustained non life-threatening injuries but the amount of damage would make you think otherwise. As photos show, the Sorento's doors and roof were nearly blown off the vehicle. The force of the explosion was also powerful enough that it blew the windscreen clean off the crossover.

The surprise explosion caught the couple off guard and the vehicle eventually crashed into a pole. Thankfully, emergency services arrived quickly at the scene and took both victims to the hospital.

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