A 2017 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport has been totaled in the U.S. all because of a one-inch crack on the undercarriage.
The car is owned by a member of the Corvette Forum who revealed that he drove over a large rock (or something similar) on the interstate and that it bounced up and caused a one-inch crack near the transaxle, Jalopnik reports.
“I had the misfortune of being on an extremely busy interstate about a month ago when a vehicle in front of me went over a large rock or chunk of something VERY hard. This interstate is eight lanes wide where I was at and vehicles were all around me doing 70+/- mph, so I had nowhere to go and I couldn’t stop without causing accidents for others. I tried to straddle it, but it hit a number of places under the car, but luckily it missed anything with fluids,” he posted.
The owner took the Corvette into a Chevrolet shop to have it repaired but was soon informed that the automaker doesn’t sell replacement parts for the area of the undercarriage that was damaged. Given that this area of the car’s frame is under huge stress and forms a crucial part of the structure, Chevrolet informed the owner that even if an aluminum welder repaired the crack, the car would lose its warranty.
Fortunately, the owner was awarded a settlement for the totaled Corvette and has already bought a replacement 2018 Grand Sport.
The car will soon head to auction and could prove to be a bargain for anyone willing take the gamble of driving around in it.


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