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Kia Sportage Tips Over After Driver Fails To Give Way In Intersection

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If your goal is to get into a car wreck, then running through an intersection without giving way is a sure way of damaging your own, as well as someone else's property.

At that point, the best you can hope for is that the impact isn't too violent, though even if it isn't, a hit at a specific angle could cause your car to tip over, especially if you're propelled into another vehicle.

In this case, that black BMW X3 acted as stunt ramp, toppling the Kia after the white SUV came spinning towards it following the initial impact.

Immediately after the crash, a whole bunch of people gathered around the accident site, helping the Kia "stand back up" and rescuing the woman and the young child that were inside.

As the description of the video states, the passengers of the Sportage didn't appear to have any serious injuries, "escaping with only a slight fright." We'd imagine that the same could be said about the driver of the BMW. Talk about bad luck...


