Aston Martin and Porsche may not make a lot of models that compete directly with one another, but the two European luxury sports car manufacturers are about to show down in another market altogether. That unlikely setting is the market for high-end condominiums in Miami.
Following the opening of the dramatic Porsche Design Tower on Collins Avenue on Sunny Isles Beach in North Miami, Aston Martin has announced a partnership with G and G Business Development to design the new Aston Martin Residences.
Aston Martin's design team lead by Marek Reichman is working on the appearance inside and out of the tower, focusing on everything from the door handles to the carbon-fiber reception desks.
The sales office has already opened on site with demo rooms to give prospective buyers an idea of what to expect, with a Vulcan parked in the lobby for dramatic effect. With Bentley outfitting chalets and hotel rooms, and both Porsche and Aston Martin designing luxury high-rises in Miami, we can't help but wonder which high-end automaker will apply its talents to real-estate development next.
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