No, you're definitely not watching Wacky Races, but a rather unfortunate series of events that resulted in one of the most ridiculous multiple-car accidents ever.
It all started when the dashcam car tried to go around a large truck, stopped in the middle of its lane. The car never completed its maneuver, which seems strange at first but if you look close, it seems that the truck might have backed up slightly at just the wrong moment.
Yet, that was only the beginning of the bad day that most of the drivers starring in this video would have. So let's introduce the supporting cast shall we?
There's a white Skoda Octavia, a silver Toyota Auris and what looks like a yellow passenger van that eventually got in on the action. The silver Toyota decides to turn around and starts maneuvering our of traffic. Right when it finishes putting its turn radius to good use and backs up, that's when the driver of the white Skoda backs up as well - right into the Japanese hatchback.
The driver of the yellow van, upon seeing what had happened, decides that now's his chance to move forward, since the two cars ahead were incapacitated. Well, wrong. The driver of the Auris gets out of the car only to watch it roll back into the van!
While we can't help but feel bad for everybody involved, it's obvious that some drivers clearly need to exercise better judgement and always check their mirrors.
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