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2017 Nissan R35 GT-R Reunites With Original Hakosuka And R32

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Few cars are more attention-grabbing than the mighty GT-R and that’s for good reason; Nissan’s Godzilla has been dominating its opponents since 1969, with each and every incarnation of it.

Sure, the modern 2017 R35 GT-R may have lost its edge these days over the newer rivals, but it’s been almost a decade since it was launched and it still remains one breathtaking device to take you from point A to point B.

The R32 generation was the first to receive the Godzilla nickname thanks to its imposing physique and of course its ability to destroy the competition when it went racing. This is a car that had a twin turbo straight six engine, all-wheel drive and all-wheel steering - in 1989.

But it all started with the original Hakosuka or, as Gran Turismo nerds call it, the KPGC10. On paper, the two-door boxy coupe couldn’t be more far away from a technology point of view, but that doesn’t mean it didn't pack some cutting-edge tech for its era. Under the bonnet lies a naturally aspirated 2.0-liter straight six that revs over 7,000rpm and makes the sound of gods.

The Skyline GT-R family is a proper royal one and Motor Trend’s latest Ignition episode is here to remind us why.


