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Semi Truck Suddenly Folds Back For No Apparent Reason In Bangkok

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If what happens in Bangkok, stays in Bangkok, we might never find out why the driver of this semi truck suddenly decided to turn right.

There's no apparent obstacle ahead of the truck that we see once the dashcam car makes its way past. There's also no indication that something went wrong mechanically, and all we notice are the brake lights on the trailer come on, just before the semi turns.

It also looks as though the gray sedan managed to stop just in time, with the driver reacting as soon as he saw the truck beginning to turn. Any hesitation could have proven costly, so props to him, or her.

Same goes for the driver of the SUV directly ahead of the dashcam vehicle. Whoever was behind the wheel actually had to steer around the cab as it was turning, while not overreacting and scraping the concrete barrier to the right.

It seems like everyone did exactly what they were supposed to do in order to avoid crashing their cars. Well, everyone except the driver of the semi, who probably had some explaining to do.


