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Takata Airbag Likely To Have Killed Honda Owner In Florida

Honda says that the death of a 34-year-old woman during a car crash in Florida last week is likely to have been caused by an exploding Takata airbag inflator.

The automaker reports that the driver of the 2002 Honda Accord was killed in Florida following a dramatic rupture of the inflator, but an official cause of death has yet to be announced. If the airbag is confirmed to have been at fault, it will be the 19th death worldwide linked to the faulty airbags.

Honda first recalled the airbag in question in 2011, and in the years since, has mailed 21 recall notices to owners around the world. Remarkably, 10 recall notices had been sent to the owner of the 2002 Accord in question, but the car was never repaired, Reuters reports.

In a statement, U.S. Senator Bill Nelson of Florida said: “This is more evidence that the recall is failing and not enough is being done to find the affected vehicles and fix them."

News of this latest fatality comes just days after a man in Sydney was killed because of the airbag in his Honda CR-V.




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