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Ever Felt Like Making Fun Of Regular Cars In A Parking Lot?

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You know that game when people in romantic comedies like to play where they look at someone and try to guess their profession, likes, dislikes and so on? Ever tried that, but with cars?

If not, "Mr Regular" from the RegularCars YouTube channel certainly has, as his somewhat NSFW brand of humor was applied to a whole bunch of seemingly ordinary models over the course of this video.

When it comes to guessing what type of people drive random cars, it seems nothing is off limits. Here, Mr. Regular unleashes his wits on the likes of the BMW Z4, Dodge Challenger, Chevy Equinox, Toyota Yaris, Mitsubishi Lancer and plenty others.

Naturally, guessing who drives a Z4 or a Challenger is generally way easier than assuming you know who's behind the wheel of a regular compact SUV or a small hatchback.

Either way, we rather enjoyed this little segment and hope that you will as well, even if you happen to own one of these cars.


