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Formula Vee Driver Escapes Scary Crash With Just Bruises!

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After getting struck from behind, Kathy Lisson's Formula Vee car got flung through the air and rolled over multiple times before coming to a rest upside down.

Thankfully, Lisson managed to walk away with only a sore neck and some bruising, which is lucky considering that her helmet actually got slammed onto the tarmac. "I did know I was up in the air, I don't know whether I really knew I was flipping over. It was pretty quick, you just know it's not good," said the 46-year-old driver.

Her husband, Rod Lisson, was ahead of the pack at the moment of the accident, which meant he needed to do another lap before coming face to face with his wife's overturned car.

"Another driver had stopped and was giving the other drivers the thumbs up, so he knew I was OK," added Mrs Lisson, who confessed that she may have blacked out during part of the crash, as it was suggested to her by emergency crews.

While her car endured the brunt of the impact, her helmet was damaged as well, resulting in a small dent from being slammed into the ground during the rollover.

In spite of what happened, Mrs Lisson said she will get back in her car in time for the next race in six weeks time.


