Audi is proving badvertising is alive and well following the release a new ad which has stirred plenty of controversy in China.
As Advertising Age reports, the short commercial shows a couple getting married when the groom's mother interrupts the ceremony to inspect her soon to be daughter-in-law. She then proceeds to grab her nose, pull her ears, and inspect her mouth.
The mother eventually gives the groom the okay sign before noticing the bride's less than blossoming bosom.
The clip then cuts to an Audi Q5 and says "An important decision must be made carefully" before promoting the company's lineup of pre-owned vehicles which have been certified by trained technicians.
While it's obvious the commercial was trying to be light-hearted, it hasn't gone over well with a number of consumers who say the ad is degrading to women. As the publication notes, users took to Weibo to leave comments such as "Audi in China regards women as secondhand cars."
The ad has sparked a lot of controversy but it's interesting to note the automaker has already released another commercial where a woman's boyfriend is compared to a used vehicle.
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