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Dubai Will Soon Add Robocops To Its Police Force

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Robotic police cars sounds like an idea straight from a distant future, but Dubai is reportedly going to have them soon patrolling on its streets.

It seems Dubai is set to become one of the most high-tech places on the planet; following the announcement of their plans to feature flying taxis, a new report from New York Post says that they are also going to add four-wheeled autonomous bots that are roughly the size of a small electric toy car to their police force.

The wheeled bots will obviously feature some cutting-edge technology that will allow them to cruise along the road or patrol footpaths, including a powerful camera system that can scan faces of anyone they come across. This data will then be compared against known criminals and wanted individuals, alerting the police in case of a positive find.

These autonomous bots will also come equipped with a deployable drone that can take off when a better vantage point is necessary on the field. The bots will also get to patrol all hours of the day and therefore cover more ground than actual police officers.

Looks like Robocop is actually happening. We just hope they keep it at that and don't proceed with the Terminator...


