Drivers in Australia might want to limit their hoonage as the Hume City Council has coated the roads with a special substance which reportedly destroys tires.
According to The Age, the city has coated local hot spots with a "coarse spray seal on bitumen" which can damage the tires of vehicles that are being driven recklessly.
According to Sustainable Infrastructure and Services director Peter Waite, "If a driver attempts to drive dangerously on this type of road, it would be difficult for a driver to spin their wheels." If the driver ends up being successful, Waite warned "they would burn through the rubber of tires faster than on a smooth road surface."
The City Council is keeping the locations of the spray a closely guarded secret but they are targeting "known hoon gathering areas."
The spray reportedly reduces tire life "dramatically" but doesn't have any effect on vehicles that are being driven normally. The report goes on to say the coating should last between 10-15 years before needing to be reapplied.
The exact details on how the coating works remain mysterious but if the coating proves to be successful, it wouldn't be surprising if other towns start using it.
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