With less than 150 made to date, seeing a Koenigsegg out on the road is a very rare sight. Seeing a whole group of them is even more so, but that's just what we have here.
Gathered in California for the trip from Los Angeles up to Monterey is a handful of Angelholm's finest. Just how many, exactly, we don't know – but we could at least seven.
Considering that each is worth over a million, that's a whole lot of precious metal, made up of Koenigseggs old and new: we're spotting some older CCXs, a few Ageras, and even a Regera hybrid – one of the fastest, most powerful, most advanced hypercars ever made.
The Koenigseggs aren't the only ones taking the trip, either: they're taking part in the Fuel Run – an event run for the fifth year now by the organizers of the GoldRush rally that gathers all manner of supercars for the drive from Malibu to Monterey.
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