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World's Worst Bus Driver Risks Passengers' Lives For No Reason

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We've seen plenty of people mess up and get stuck between barriers with trains barrelling down on them, and yet the driver of this bus in Poland has to take the cake.

The accident happened while the bus was on its way to Modlin Airport outside Warsaw on September 26.

Not only did he put his own life at risk by crossing the tracks with the barriers clearly coming down - the lights were flashing, so he must have ignored them or wasn't paying attention - he also risked the lives of all 40 of his passengers.

However, that wasn't even his worst decision. It's what he does after stopping the bus that is simply baffling. Instead of damaging the barrier ahead to clear the tracks, he gets out to signal the approaching train that was reportedly carrying over 200 passengers.

Guess what, after the train made contact with the bus, it ended up breaking that barrier anyway. It's just a ridiculous chain of events that should have never come to pass. Everybody on that bus was lucky there was so much room between the tracks and the barriers. It meant the train didn't plow straight through the bus, but rather grazed it.

In the end, both the train and the bus were damaged, but thankfully, local media reported that nobody with a pulse was harmed.


