An overenthusiastic Opel Astra driver was filmed crashing his ride on the infamous Nurburgring.
The footage starts just as he was approaching a right corner, but due to excessive speeding, understeer kicked in, and pushed the car into the side barrier, which then went airborne, flipped over, hit the barrier on the other side, before it eventually came to a complete stop.
Moments later, the man behind the wheel can be seen making his way through the deployed airbags, exiting the vehicle, and lying on the grass. Other drivers, who were passing by, pulled over and tried to give a helping hand, before the track officials arrived at the scene with the yellow flag that signals a hazard on the track.
The wreckage was removed from the area, and according to the short description of the video, the passenger was taken to the hospital for observation. There is no mention whatsoever of the driver, but he was likely tested by doctors too, before being released.
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